Canada consumes more
hydroelectric power than any other country.
Canada has the highest proportion
of Internet users.
Canadians spend the most per
capita on computer games
Canada has the 6th
highest Gross Domestic Product per capita in the world
(Back to the top)
Canadians purchase the most
videos per capita
Canada’s first movie star was
Toronto-born Mary Pickford (1892-1979). Her acting career stated on stage
when she was five.
(Back to the top)
CN Tower in Toronto is the
tallest telecommunication tower in the world
Pont de Quebec is the longest
Cantilever bridge in the world
Canada rated #2 best country to
live in (1999) (Norway is #1, Canada tied with Australia & Sweden)
National Library of Canada is the
5th largest library in the world
Canada is 8th in the
listing of countries with the longest life expectancy
(Back to the top)
Canada has the longest coastline
in the world
Cloudiest Place in North America
– Prince Rupert, BC
Michigan/Huron, Superior are the
2nd & 3rd largest lakes in the world (US & Canada)
The Rocky Mountains are the 2nd
Longest Mountain Range in the world (US & Canada)
Canada is the country with the 3th
largest area of forests in the world
Canada is the
largest country in the world (behind
(Back to the top)
Region |
Province/Territory |
Capital |
Atlantic Region |
Newfoundland and
Labrador |
St. John’s |
Prince Edward
Island |
Charlottetown |
Nova Scotia |
Halifax |
New Brunswick |
Fredericton |
Central Canada |
Quebec |
Québec |
Ontario |
Toronto |
Prairie Provinces |
Manitoba |
Winnipeg |
Saskatchewan |
Regina |
Alberta |
Edmonton |
West Coast |
British Columbia |
Victoria |
North |
Nunavut |
Iqaluit |
Territories |
Yellowknife |
Yukon Territory |
Whitehorse |
(Back to the top)
All inventions/discoveries on this list can be verified by the
CIPO/OPIC (Canadian Intellectual Property Office). To browse a HUGE list of Canadian inventions by inventor, province, or category, visit the site.2,3
* AM radio
* IMAX projector and system
* panoramic pictures and camera
* standard time
* telephone
* transceiver (walkie-talkie)
* world's first commercial motion picture
* butter substitute
* electric cooking range
* instant potato flakes
* Pablum
* cigarette box
* freehand
* hair tonic
* jolly jumper
* improved ironing board
* measure for footwear
* paint roller
* portable high chair
* robertson screw
* washing machine
* zipper
* degradable plastic
* green box
* kerosene
* oil well
* pulp newsprint
* sewage recycling system
* Actar 911 CPR Dummy
* dental mirror
* electron microscope
* insulin
* liposomes
* medical instruments
* electric hand prosthesis for children
* myoelectric prosthesis
* fog bell or gong
* personal distress device
* MacPherson gas mask
* ear piercer
* Abdomenizer
* Balderdash
* basketball
* 5-pin bowling
* hockey goalie mask
* Muskol
* Puzz-3D
* rollerskate
* ski-binding
* tabletop hockey game
* Trivial Pursuit
* air-conditioned vehicle
* Canadarm
* electric car
* guardrail
* snowblower
* snowmobile
* lacrosse
* ice brewed beer
* hockey
* back bacon
* Superman
* Beano
* baseball (yes! we played it first)
* Candu Nuclear Reactors
* Commodore Computers
* Red Rose Tea
* Smarties
* the wonderbra
* V-chip
* cable TV
* peacekeeping
* Geiger Counter
* engineered yarn
* beer cases with tuck-in handles
* flight simulators for pilot training
1-The top 10
of Everything 2003, Russell Ash, 2002 Korling Kindersley Limited (unless
specifically marked otherwise, all facts are from this book)
Rocks the Word website,
3-Canadian Intellectual Property
Office website
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