from the middle of nowhere!!!
currently on Interstate 5, somewhere between Eugene
Oregon and Sacramento California, on our way down to our
place in Palm Springs for a bit of a break. We decided
to drive so that Dixie can come with us; like any good
Canadian, she absolutely loves the sun and heat of the
I have to
say that she is a great little traveller, she has a
comfy bed in the backseat and she spends most of her
time napping but every once in a while she pokes her
head up to see where we are. We make lots of pee stops
and she is just happy to be hanging out with her peeps.
She's enjoying the scenery, that is, for as long as she
can keep her eyes open.
I don't
think I've mentioned Dixie in the newsletter for a
couple of months. She's doing well and is as cute as
ever, but we did have a bit of a health scare a few
weeks ago. We've known for about a year now that she has
a heart-murmur and the vet said to just keep an eye on
her and don't let her exert herself too much. Well, one
day last month she collapsed when we were out for our
morning walk, which of course was very scary. The vet
put her on 2 new meds and she is doing much better now.
We can
really tell that Dixie's starting to get up there in age
now. She's got a lot of grey hair around her face (as
you can see in the picture), and we've also noticed that
her hearing and eyesight isn't what it used to be. It
was actually quite funny, a couple of weeks ago we were
out for a walk and a woman wearing black furry boots
walked past us and Dixie thought they were 2 small dogs
and starting barking at her boots. The woman was
wondering what was wrong with our dog!! HAHA
don't forget if you have any clients travelling to
Europe this summer, Edelweiss Air is
offering flights from Calgary and Vancouver direct to
Zurich for the summer season (3x week from YVR). To book
please contact Thomas Cook Prime Travel
for the best net fares. Click
HERE for the schedule and contact information, or
scroll to the bottom of this email.
Have a
great month and happy selling!!!

Freddie Marsh, CTC
FMTM - Freddie Marsh Travel Marketing